Support for Students

College or graduate school as a first-generation student: presents unique challenges that aren't always apparent to others. This includes grappling with financial concerns, or simply feeling out of place, and seeking help might seem daunting. As a fellow first-gen student, I am happy to support fellow students who might benefit from my research on relevant resources available.

Navigating advisor transitions in a PhD: Drawing from my own experiences, I've gathered strategies and resources to help towards potential next steps when an academic advisor(s) leaves or when there is a need to switch labs multiple times. This article titled "When your advisor leaves" from James McLaughlin's Lab Blog could be a useful starting point for anyone faced with a similar situation.

If you're facing any of these challenges or others not mentioned here, please reach out to me via email. I am happy to help in any way.

Other Interests

In my free time, I enjoy running, biking, snowboarding, and listening to/collecting vinyl records. In another life, I was also a singer trained in Indian Classical Vocals and part of an acapella group.

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